Contact dermatitis can affect people without the above mentioned skin barrier defects, but patients with atopic dermatitis often suffer from contact dermatitis as well. Contact dermatitis often occurs after prolonged or repeated skin contact with certain allergens. Plant resins known as urushiols, for example, can cause dermatitis in up to 70% of the population, given enough exposure. These resins are found on the leaves of plants such as poison oak, poison ivy or poison sumac. They are also used as varnish on furniture and lacquer ware. Some people are so sensitive that even contact with molecular amounts of the urushiol allergens can lead to severe outbreak. The most common contact allergen seen in clinical practice is nickel, which is found in a wide variety of household objects such as coins, fasteners, utensils and jewellery, and also in food. Dyes, preservatives, anti-microbials and fragrances found in skin care products are also common culprits. Rubber glove and detergent are common causes of hand dermatitis.
Avoidance is the most important treatment for contact dermatitis. The cause of the dermatitis must therefore be accurately diagnosed so that the patient knows what to avoid. This is usually accomplished by careful history taking, identifying the possible allergens the patient comes in contact with. The diagnosis should be confirmed with patch testing, as contact dermatitis is caused by a cell-mediated rather than IgE-mediated immune mechanism. Avoiding the relevant allergens is usually all that is needed to successfully manage contact dermatitis.
Reference information: www.allergy.hk , www.aaaai.org
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.
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