Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Outgrowing Food Allergies

Most children outgrow cow's milk, egg, soy and wheat allergy, even if they have a history of a severe reaction. About 20% of children with peanut allergy will outgrow it. About 9% of children with tree nut allergy will outgrow it. Your allergist can help you learn when your child might outgrow a food allergy.


The best way to treat food allergy is to avoid the foods that trigger your allergy. Although it has been shown that just smelling peanut butter will not cause a reaction, sometimes food allergens can be airborne, especially in steam, and can cause reactions. Boiling or simmering seafood is a particular offender.

Always ask about ingredients when eating at restaurants or when you are eating foods prepared by family or friends.

Carefully read food labels. The United States and some other countries require that eight major food allergens are to be listed in common language, for example, "milk" rather than a scientific or technical term, like "casein."

Carry and know how to use injectable epinephrine and antihistamines to treat emergency reactions. If a reaction occurs, have someone take you to the emergency room, even if symptoms subside. Afterwards, get follow-up care from an allergist.

Reference :  www.allergy.hk
The above information serve as an education purpose only, you are encourage to
consult with your allergist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



最近媽咪終於的起心肝,帶我去朋友介紹既診所做過敏測試”速敏檢”,過程只係篤一下手指頭,取少少血 ~

報告結果顯示致敏原係“霉菌”同“狗毛”,媽咪即刻諗起,我玩親毛公仔都會覺得痕癢,而且最近春天潮濕,“霉菌”容易滋生,睇黎我要立即處理咗D毛公仔~ 好彩我地無養狗狗,不過以後都會多D留意,避免去多狗狗同埋污糟既地方~ 依家終於搵出皮膚痕癢既原因,一天都光哂 lu

參考資料: https://www.instagram.com/p/BCu-fX2svdA/