Thursday, November 29, 2012

Allergy blood tests(4)

Appropriate use of allergy blood tests
Specific IgE blood tests are useful when skin testing is impractical, such as when patients have active urticaria (hives) or other skin conditions, or if patients cannot stop antihistamine treatment. Only tests that have been validated, i.e. tests that have received FDA approval or clearance, should be used. Blood test results must be interpreted with care, and positive results should be verified by challenge testing unless there is strong clinical evidence to support the results. The level of specific IgE might be useful in monitoring the progression of food allergies, since a declining trend of food-specific IgE is a good prognostic factor for eventually outgrowing that allergy.

The most commonly used FDA-approved
allergy blood tests include RAST, MAST, CAP, UniCAP and chemiluminescence assay.

Can blood tests be used to test for "food intolerance" ?
Many laboratories performing non-validated blood tests claim that these tests can be used to identify food intolerance. Such tests typically test for dozens or even hundreds of foods using crude methods such as ELISA. Food intolerance is not a diagnosis, rather an umbrella term for any condition that produces symptoms due to food ingestion. Food allergy, for example, is a form of food intolerance. Other examples include enzyme deficiencies that can lead to indigestion or malabsorption of certain nutrients, pharmacological effects of food chemicals such as caffeine etc.

Since none of these conditions, with the exception of food allergy, involve food-specific antibodies, antibody blood tests have no role in making diagnosis. Any laboratory that claims that a blood test can be used to diagnose food intolerance is committing healthcare fraud.

Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Allergy blood tests(3)

Blood tests for antibodies other than IgE

Studies in the 1970s found that IgG antibodies can also cause allergic reactions in rodents. Therefore, tests for IgG antibodies that bind to food were developed, because IgG antibodies are very abundant (several million-fold more concentrated than IgE) and hence very easy to measure with crude assays such as ELISA. However, IgG antibodies do NOT lead to allergic reactions in human beings. In fact, one of the mechanisms that the body uses to produce immune tolerance is allergen-specific IgG4 antibodies. IgG4 antibodies are immunologically inert, yet they compete with IgE for allergen binding, and since they exist at much higher concentrations, they can effectively block IgE-mediated allergic reactions. Accurate tests that measure allergen-specific IgG4 are useful in determining immunological tolerance, especially during desensitization therapy.

Despite their lack of effectiveness, IgG blood tests are still being heavily promoted for the diagnosis of food
allergy and “intolerance”. Many patients have been misled by these tests into believing that they have multiple food allergies, and undergo unnecessary and even harmful food avoidance. More ominously, real food allergy remains undiagnosed, leading to fatal or near-fatal accidents. Any laboratory that promotes food IgG tests for diagnosing allergy is perpetrating healthcare fraud.





Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Allergy blood tests(2)

Blood tests for specific IgE antibodies

As mentioned in previous articles, allergic reactions can be mediated by different immune mechanisms. The most common type of allergic reaction is mediated by IgE antibodies, and therefore most blood tests for allergy seek to measure allergen-specific IgE. Most of these tests will also measure the total IgE level. There are several obstacles that developers of blood tests must overcome. First, IgE antibodies are mainly found on the surface of mast cells, and the amount of free IgE in the blood is miniscule, and might not truly reflect what is found on the mast cells. Therefore, extremely sensitive methods must be employed to measure these antibodies. These tests employ allergens that are bound to a solid phase to capture IgE antibodies in the blood sample. Anti-IgE antibodies are then used to detect these captured IgE antibodies, and the signal is amplified using enzymatic reactions or radioactivity. This amplification process increases the background noise of the assay, and greatly increases the chance of false positive results.

Second, these assays only measure the binding of IgE to the allergens on the solid phase. While IgE binding is the essential first step during an allergic reaction, it does not necessarily lead to the complete allergic reaction, just as a key that can be inserted into a lock does not guarantee that it can open that lock. Therefore, antibodies that are structurally similar to the antibodies that are being measured will also show up in the assay, but these cross-reacting antibodies might actually be specific for bacterial or other irrelevant antigens. This problem is extremely common in patients with very high total IgE levels, such as patients with
eczema who has repeated skin infections. On average, there is a greater than 50% chance of a positive food IgE test result being false. Therefore, the guidelines published recently by the National Institutes of Health in the United States advised against using blood tests to diagnose food allergy.


Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Allergy blood tests(1)

Diagnosing allergy is a subject that is very commonly misunderstood. One of the commonest misunderstandings concerns the role of blood tests in managing allergies. When considering the use of medical tests, there are several pertinent questions that need to be answered.

l   How sensitive is the test ? In other words, what percentage of patients with the disease will the test identify ?

l   How specific is the test ? That means, what percentage of patients without the disease will the test exclude ?

l   What is the positive predictive value ? That means, what percentage of patients with a positive test result really has the disease ?

l   What is the negative predictive value ? That means, what percentage of patients with negative test result really does not have the disease ?

And of course, the most important question: How does the test result affect the management of the patient ?



Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Immunotherapy for allergic diseases (2)

So how do we treat allergies?  The most obvious answer is to avoid coming in contact with allergens.  To successfully practice allergen avoidance, we must first find out what the person is allergic to, and to confirm that these allergens are responsible for their symptoms.  A positive skin test will identify allergens that the patient responds to immunologically, but it still does not confirm that these allergens cause symptoms from day to day.  A careful history will be very helpful, but sometimes, challenge studies might be needed.  Measuring the level of allergens in the patient’s living and working environment might also be useful.  For certain indoor allergens such as house dust mites and animal dander, avoidance measures can be extremely helpful.  The second line of treatment for allergies is drug treatment.  Drugs such as antihistamines are used to counteract some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction.  They can be useful for mild cases but are frequently not successful in controlling more severe cases.  Steroid spray is also very useful in reducing the inflammation caused by an allergic reaction.  These treatments do not address the root of the problem, and symptoms promptly recur once the patient stops the treatments.

The only method to eliminate allergies is by immunotherapy.  This form of therapy aims to induce immunological tolerance to specific allergens, so that patients will no longer react to them when exposed.  Traditionally, immunotherapy (also called allergy injections or desensitization) is administered by repeated subcutaneous injections of purified allergen extracts.  This carries a risk of severe allergic reactions, and the injections must be administer under the supervision of an experienced allergist with adequate emergency support.  In experienced hands, immunotherapy is very safe, especially if standardized extracts are used.  In patients with insect sting allergy, immunotherapy is >99% effective in protecting the patients from future stings, and the effect appears to be lifelong after 3 to 5 years of continuous treatment.  The effectiveness of pollen immunotherapy has also been shown to last for at least 3 years after stopping treatment.


Newer forms of immunotherapy are being developed.  Sublingual immunotherapy uses a very high dose of allergen extract to be placed under the tongue for absorption.  Initial studies suggest that it might be effective for allergic rhinitis and possibly asthma.  More studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and also to determine its mechanism of action.  We are currently conducting a large clinical study, which will eventually involve 120 patients with allergic rhinitis, to evaluate sublingual immunotherapy against house dust mites.  Patients with moderate to severe allergic rhinitis will be recruited.  Skin tests to common allergens will be performed to confirm sensitization to house dust mites.  A nasal challenge study will be performed to confirm that house dust mites can indeed cause nasal symptoms.  The patients will first be given conventional drug therapy including an antihistamine and a nasal spray.  Patients who do not derive satisfactory results from this treatment will be randomized to receive immunotherapy or placebo for one year.  The patients will be reevaluated every three months, and those that respond to treatment will have their nasal spray gradually withdrawn.  Patients will fill in a report of their symptoms every week.  At the end of one year, all patients on active treatment will continue for another year, and those on placebo will be switched to active treatment.  Immunological parameters in the blood and nasal washings will be evaluated at the beginning of the study and after one year.]




Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Immunotherapy for allergic diseases (1)


Allergic diseases are some of the most common diseases in Hong Kong.  It has been estimated that up to 50% of school children suffer from symptoms of rhinitis, while about 15% of them have asthma and about 10% have eczema.  The incidence of allergic diseases is also increasing around the world, as a result of changes in our lifestyle and our environment.


Allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis is a common problem that many sufferers simply ignore.  The symptoms include sneezing, itchy nose, itchy eyes, runny nose, watery eyes, congestion and post-nasal drip.  However, severe cases can be quite debilitating.  Children with allergic rhinitis have been shown to suffer from poor sleep, impaired learning, bad temper and hyperactivity.  Adults with allergic rhinitis are at risk of disorders of mood and sleep.  Severe allergic rhinitis might become complicated by sinus and middle ear infections, worsening of asthma, and might affect facial and dental development in children.


The cause of allergic rhinitis in any individual is dependent on his/her living and working environment.  In temperate climate, pollens are the most common causes.  However, in subtropical climates such as Hong Kong, indoor allergens such as house dust mites, mould spores, cockroaches and animal dander are the most common causes.  Exposure to allergens in the work environment is also very important.


Why do people develop allergies?  When we are first exposed to a foreign substance, through our skin, our respiratory tract or GI tract, our immune system will strive to recognize this substance.  In most cases, our immune system recognizes that these substances are harmless and ignores them.  This is a process called immunological tolerance.  Not only does the immune system ignore these antigens, it actually develops a response that actively suppresses any reaction to the antigens.  This active suppression can be passed on from one experimental animal to another by transferring immune cells called T cells.  In allergic individuals, this mechanism somehow failed to work for certain antigens (allergens), and they develop an immune response every time they encounter these antigens.  This immune response leads to allergic symptoms.



Reference information:
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult
physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, November 19, 2012

敏感有得醫 Part 3























Tuesday, November 13, 2012

懷疑自己患有食物過敏症, 應怎樣辦呢?(下)


經美國食物及藥物管理局(FDA)認可的血液過敏測試包括RAST, MAST, CAP


Monday, November 12, 2012

懷疑自己患有食物過敏症, 應怎樣辦呢?(上)

食物過敏是因為免疫系統對某種食物作出一些不正常的反應而造成。食物過敏一般有兩個成因;急性過敏反應是由免疫球蛋白E (IgE)抗體所造成的,而慢性過敏反應則是由T淋巴細胞所造成。急性過敏反應一般是進食後數分鐘至一小時內發生,可引起蕁麻疹(俗稱風疹)、血管性水腫、氣管收縮和血壓驟降等病徵,嚴重時可以有性命危險。慢性過敏反應最常引起皮膚濕疹,亦可引致腸胃發炎、出血等問題。不同反應需用不同的測試方法,大致可分為四類;


Friday, November 9, 2012

敏感有得醫 Part 2

37歲的鄔揚源,是港大醫學院內科助理教授,亦是瑪麗醫院唯一一位研究敏感症的專科醫生,曾在美國Scripps Clinic修讀免疫及敏感專科,是本港少數受過這科訓練的醫生。現時瑪麗醫院所有敏感症個案,不論小童或大人,都會交由他處理,他亦處理經私家醫生轉介的病人。















Tuesday, November 6, 2012

敏感有得醫 Part 1












