Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pollen Allergy

Activities like camping can be fun, but they can also expose you to outdoor pollen as well as to stinging insects like bees, yellow jackets and wasps. If you have these allergies, avoid camping during high pollen seasons, take your medications with you and carry injectable epinephrine to treat reactions to stinging insects. If you have a severe insect-allergic reaction, get immediate emergency medical treatment.

Walking, leisure biking and hiking are typically good activities for people with asthma or allergies. If you enjoy the mountains and have asthma, be careful if you are thinking of going above 5,000 feet, as oxygen levels decrease.

Cold weather sports such as cross-country skiing and ice hockey are more likely to make symptoms worse. Also, snorkeling is much safer than scuba diving.

An asthma treatment plan can help you keep your symptoms under control so that you can enjoy exercising or sports activities while traveling.

Bon voyage and safe travels!

Healthy Tips
  • If your allergies or asthma are causing problems, have a pre-trip physical.
  • Pack all medications, a peak flow meter and a copy of your physician's phone number.
  • Consider buying travel medical insurance.

Reference information: www.aaaai.org,  www.allergy.hk/

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Preventing the eczema itch is the main goal of treatment.

Treatment for allergic contact dermatitis depends on how severe the symptoms are. Cold soaks and compresses can offer relief for the acute, early, itchy blistered stage of your rash. You may also be prescribed topical corticosteroid creams. To prevent the reaction from returning, avoid contact with the offending substance. If you and your allergist cannot determine the substance that caused the reaction, your allergist may conduct a series of patch tests to help identify it.

A common allergic reaction often affecting the face, elbows and knees is atopic dermatitis or eczema. This red, scaly, itchy rash is more common in young infants and those who have a personal or family history of allergy.

Common triggers include aeroallergens like cat dander or house dust, overheating or sweating, and contact with irritants like wool or soaps. In older individuals, emotional stress can cause a flare-up. For some patients, usually children, certain foods can also trigger eczema. Skin staph infections can cause a flare-up in children as well. Eczema patients usually have very dry skin and “allergic shiners” (an extra crease, called a Dennie’s line, across their lower eyelids). They are also more at risk for other skin infections.

Preventing the eczema itch is the main goal of treatment. Do not scratch or rub your rash. Applying cold compresses and creams or ointments is helpful. Also remove all irritants that aggravate your condition from your environment. If a food is identified as the cause, it must be eliminated from your diet.

Topical corticosteroid cream medications and topical calcineurin inhibitors are most effective in treating the rash. Antihistamines are often recommended to help relieve the itchiness. In severe cases, oral corticosteroids are also prescribed. If a skin staph infection is suspected to be a trigger for your eczema flare-up, antibiotics are often recommended.

Reference information: www.aaaai.org , www.allergy.hk 

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Enjoy Your Stay with Allergies and Asthma

Hotel rooms often have a lot of dust mites and molds in carpeting, mattresses and upholstered furniture. Fumes from cleaning products may also cause problems. Ask for a "green" room if available. If you are allergic to dust mites, you may want to bring your own dust-proof, zippered covers.

If you are sensitive to molds, request a sunny, dry room away from areas near indoor pools. Also, if you have allergies to any animals, ask about the hotel's pet policy, and request a room that has been pet-free.
Visiting family and friends in their homes can be risky if you have allergies or asthma. For instance, during the holidays, dust mites on ornaments and decorations, molds on Christmas trees, wet leaves and logs for wood-burning stoves and perfumes from scented candles can all trigger allergy or asthma symptoms.

If you have pet allergies, your trip may be more enjoyable if you avoid staying in the homes of family or friends with pets.

People with food allergies should be careful about eating home-cooked foods that may contain hidden food allergens

Reference information: http://www.aaaai.org/

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Allergy test: Skin Prick Tests

Allergic symptoms can be caused by different immunological mechanisms. The majority of allergic diseases are caused by either the Type I (or immediate-type) hypersensitivity response, or the Type IV (or delayed-type) hypersensitivity response. The type of tests needed to diagnose allergy depends on the type of allergic reaction being investigated.

Immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions are caused by antibodies called IgE produced by the immune system against allergens such as pollens, house dust mites, mold spores, animal dander, insect venom, food or drugs. When you are exposed to these allergens, the IgE attached to allergy cells called mast cells binds to the allergens and trigger the mast cells to release chemical mediators such as histamine. This leads to swelling, itching, redness, congestion and airway constriction within a matter of minutes.
IgE antibodies are involved in causing nasal and ocular allergies, asthma, insect sting allergies and some types of food and drug allergies.
Skin prick tests involve the introduction of a tiny amount of allergens into the surface layer of the skin, where there is a rich source of mast cells. A small swelling surrounded by redness will appear after 15 minutes if there is sensitivity to the allergens. The video above shows how this is done.

Skin prick tests are quick, safe and accurate. A large variety of allergenic extracts are commercially available for testing. However, the skin must be in good condition and the patient must not have taken antihistamines beforehand. Patients with active dermatitis or urticaria (hives) should not be tested because increased skin sensitivity might result in false positive results. 

Reference information:  www.allergy.hk
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


參考資料: www.allergy.hk


類固醇可有效消炎,不過有研究發現,類固醇會令患者的皮膚保護功能惡化,當濕疹病發時,類固醇可消退炎症,但長期使用會導致患者的皮膚保護功能受損。類固醇的其他副作用:皮膚萎縮, 皮膚變薄, 出現血管斑, 反彈性皮膚炎。 





Tuesday, April 9, 2013




哮喘症狀:咳嗽,有痰涎, 氣管收縮, 胸口有壓迫感, 呼吸困難, 呼吸有喘聲, 氣促



參考資料: www.allergy.hk


Tuesday, April 2, 2013





參考資料: www.allergy.hk
