Monday, January 31, 2011



以診斷動物的毛皮垢屑, 塵蟎, 黴菌, 花粉, 黃蜂、蜜蜂等蜇棘昆蟲的毒液, 食物, 橡膠, 藥物,如盤尼西林、局部麻醉藥… 

激發式測試以診斷阿斯匹靈藥物敏感, 食物和食品添加劑過敏, 過敏哮喘
盤尼西林及其它藥物過敏, 特殊過敏原反應,
晚發性過敏反應皮膚測試細胞免疫功能測試, 結核病測試

哮喘診斷, 確定哮喘治療的成效
鼻黏膜診斷過敏, 傳染

斑貼測試診斷接觸性皮膚炎, 與食物過敏相關的異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)



Friday, January 28, 2011








Wednesday, January 26, 2011


過敏疾病鼻敏感,過敏性結膜炎(眼睛過敏)哮喘都是慢性疾病。 這些疾病是由免疫系统對無害的物質如花粉、塵蟎、黴菌孢子和動物的毛皮垢屑等產生的不正常反應。 現時的藥物如類固醇和抗組胺能有效地控制敏感症狀,然而根治的選擇是脫敏治療

所用的過敏原疫苗是根據病人的敏感測試結果而配製。定期注射過敏原疫苗會導致一種稱為免疫忍耐的反應。此反應是因產生阻攔抗體和抑壓性 T 細胞而出現。當患者對過敏原的敏感反應日益減少時,症狀也得到舒緩。研究表示,經過三至五年的治療後,即使治療中斷後效果亦會長期持續。





Monday, January 24, 2011

藥物過敏治療 Allergen Immunotherapy in Hong Kong

Allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy), allergic conjunctivitis (ocular allergy) and asthma are chronic diseases.  These diseases are caused by the immune system reacting inappropriately to normally harmless substances such as pollens, dust mites, mold spores and animal dander.  While there are drugs such as steroids and antihistamines that can effectively control the symptoms, the only option for eliminating the root cause of the problem remains allergen immunotherapy (also called desensitization, hyposensitization or allergy shots).

Allergen extracts are prepared according to the sensitivities of the individual.  The extracts are administered at regular intervals to induce a response called immune tolerance.  The tolerance response is achieved by the production of blocking antibodies and regulatory T cells.  When this happens, the patient’s sensitivity to the allergens progressively diminishes, and symptoms also decline.  Studies have shown that after three to five years of treatment, the effectiveness persists long-term even after treatment is discontinued.

Allergic rhinitis in childhood is a risk factor for the development of asthma.  A study shows that children who received allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis have 2.5-fold reduced risk of developing asthma.  This effect is still evident 10 years after treatment.

Recent studies have also shown that for a subset of patients with atopic dermatitis, where environmental allergy is a major factor in their illness, immunotherapy is effective in reducing the severity of their skin disease.
Allergen immunotherapy has traditionally been administered by subcutaneous injections. Newer forms of treatment such as sublingual immunotherapy have been developed that are more convenient, and maybe suitable for selected patients

Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Friday, January 21, 2011










Thursday, January 20, 2011

藥物過敏-抗生素 / 脫敏治療


盤尼西林類藥物阿莫西林(Amoxycillin)和氨比西林(Ampicillin構成所有藥物過敏症個案之15%20%然而,病人在服食盤尼西林後長出皮疹,便誤以為是對此藥有過敏反應,其實皮疹可能是感染引起,跟藥物敏感並無關係若患者想確定是否對盤尼西林過敏時,可進行皮膚測試。一般而言,大部份的盤尼西林抗體並不是針對它本身,而是經身體分解後的副產品,所以利用副產品進行皮膚測試如測試結果呈陰性反應,然後再試食,肯定沒有過敏症狀後,便可排除對盤尼西林急性過敏的可能性倘若患者盤尼西林急性過敏反應但感染不能使用其他抗生素醫治,此時可考慮盤尼西林脫敏治療Penicillin Desensitization)。





Wednesday, January 19, 2011

藥物過敏 (Drug Allergy)





通常在三至七日後發生,患者皮膚出免疫, 藥物過敏,昆蟲過敏, 風疹現紅疹痕癢、皮下出血等亦會有高危險性的皮膚反應導致皮膚壞死及嚴重剝落,可以構成性命危險。


除了皮膚,藥物過敏亦影響身體的其他器官,如嗜酸性粒細胞(Eosinophils)影響肝和腎,導致病人出現急性肝衰竭Acute Liver Failure)和腎衰竭(Kidney Failure),它亦會影響肺和心臟,令病人有急性心衰竭Acute Heart Failure)、心肌發炎(Mycarditis)和慢性心衰竭Chronic Heart Failure)等。

此外,另一常見的藥物過敏反應血清症(Serum Sickness);病人在服用藥物後,免疫抗體跟藥物結合會積聚在微絲血管造成發炎,引致皮疹性血管炎(Cutaneous Vasculitis)、腎小球發炎(Glomerulonephritis)、關節發炎,或是腸胃的血管發炎而產生的腹痛、腹瀉等。



Cough in Children – quick tips for parent

As a parent, hearing your child cough may make you feel uneasy, yet an occasional cough doesn't always mean there is a problem. Cough protects your child's body by removing mucus, irritating substances and infections from his or her respiratory tract.
Children can cough several times a day and have coughing episodes lasting up to a couple of weeks if they have viral infections. However, coughing that lasts more than two to three weeks should prompt a visit to your physician.

Acute Cough in Children (Two Weeks or Less)
The majority of children have brief repeated periods of coughing due to viral upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold. Healthy preschool children in day care can have up to eight viral respiratory infections with a cough every year, each lasting about 10 days.

Infrequently, a cough occurs because of a foreign body in the airway. This may occur after an episode of choking, but sometimes the choking episode might not be noticed, especially in younger children. See your physician quickly if you think this is possible.

Causes of Chronic Cough
There are many different causes for a persistent or chronic cough in children.

·         Asthma
Most children with asthma have inflamed or swollen airways, which commonly cause wheezing. But sometimes the only symptom is a cough that is made worse by viral infections, that happens while your child is asleep, or may be triggered by exercise and cold air.
·         Nasal and Sinus Disease
Postnasal drip caused by rhinitis or a sinus infection (sinusitis) can produce chronic cough. Usually other symptoms are present, but sometimes the only symptom you notice is the cough.
Allergic rhinitis may be seasonal or year-round. The seasonal allergy, often called "hay fever," typically occurs in the spring, summer or fall. Symptoms include sneezing, stuffy or runny nose and itching in the nose, eyes or on the roof of the mouth. When the symptoms are year-round, they may be caused by exposure to indoor allergens such as dust mites, indoor molds or pets. An allergist can perform testing to find out to what your child is allergic.
·         Stomach and Esophageal Causes of Cough
In some children, the cause of chronic cough is stomach fluid moving back up the throat. This is called "reflux" and may occur silently without heartburn. Some children may develop a hoarse voice and/or choking as symptoms. To determine if this is the cause, your physician may perform tests to see if acid is refluxing up out of the stomach.
·         Post-Viral Cough
After having a viral respiratory infection, otherwise healthy children can have a cough lasting for weeks. There is no specific therapy for this cough, which eventually goes away. Cough suppressant medications can be tried in school-age children, but they don't always solve the problem.
·         Bacterial Infection of the Lower Airway
Bacteria sometimes can infect the lower airways and cause irritation and cough. It's unknown why this happens, and sometimes the best course of action isn't clear. Your physician will help you sort out whether this may be relevant in your child.
·         Inhaled Foreign Body
Foreign bodies, such as toys and food, can be accidentally inhaled at any age, but most commonly occurs at ages two to four years. It can cause a cough to persist for many weeks to months until it is discovered.
·         "Habit" Cough
This is a persistent cough that has no clear physical cause. It occasionally persists after a simple viral respiratory infection. The cough is typically dry and repetitive or is a "honking" cough. Habit cough usually occurs only when your child is awake, not sleeping. A neuromuscular tic can also cause this kind of cough.
·         Irritant Cough
Exposure to tobacco smoke and other pollutants (smoke and exhaust from wood burning, air pollution and exhaust from vehicles) can lead to cough and may worsen the cough associated with asthma or rhinitis.

If your child has a daytime cough after a viral respiratory infection, it usually doesn't need any specific treatment-particularly if it goes away in one or two weeks.

The main treatment for chronic cough should be based on the underlying cause. This search for the cause usually involves visiting your physician. Also visit your physician if your child's cough is increasingly frustrating, persists longer than you think is reasonable, if blood is coughed up or if the cough interferes with your child's daily activities.
Over-the-counter mucous thinning agents such as guaifenesin, and cough suppressing medications such as dextromethorphan can be tried. Although most of the over-the-counter cough medications are not thought to be particularly effective, it is possible that one might work better in your child than in other children.
If you think your child may have asthma, make an appointment with an allergist/immunologist, often referred to as an allergist. An allergist is the best physician to diagnose and treat this disease.

Healthy Tips
  • A cough protects your child's body by removing mucus, irritating substances and infections from his or her respiratory tract.
  • If your child has a cough that lasts more than two to three weeks, schedule a visit with your physician.
  • Coughing that lasts more than two weeks is considered chronic. It may be caused by asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), reflux or other causes. An allergist is often the best specialist to determine the cause.
Reference source:

The above information serve as an education purpose only, you are encourage to consult with your allergist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, January 14, 2011

食物過敏 -診斷及治療 (food allergy)

首先,醫生會詳細詢問病人的病歷,特別是病人及其家族的過敏史如病徵、發病時間、發病頻率及食物種類等,而病人亦最好準備他的病症日誌,記下自己進食食物的種類和發病情況, 以便確診。

就急性過敏反應,除了進行準確度和靈敏度較高的皮膚點刺測試(Skin Prick Test)外,也可利用過敏血液測試Blood Test for Allergy),辨認病人的血清是否含有對過敏原的IgE抗體

然而,不少食物致敏原會在消化過程中被損壞,加上腸胃本身亦可避免吸入致敏原,因此食物經消化後不一定會造成過敏反應。在此情況下,醫生會建議病人進行食物激發測試(Challenge Test),病人先禁食懷疑致敏的食物一段時間(約一至兩星期),然後在醫生的觀察下試食此食物,以作診斷。

用安慰劑混淆病人, 排除病人的心理障礙。 觀察者亦事先不測試物的來源,排除觀察者的偏見。做研究時比較常用。



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

食物過敏 -食物間的交叉反應 (food allergy, hong kong)



²  魚類                :患者常對多種甚至所有魚類都有過敏反應;
²  貝殼類海鮮    :對貝殼類海鮮敏感患者,平均對三至四種不同的貝殼類海產亦有敏感。甚至有部份病人對所有甲殼類敏感如蝦、蟹、龍蝦等。蜆和蠔是貝殼類中較常有交叉反應,鮑魚類屬單殼海產,與螺類(田螺)有交叉反應。

²  堅果類(即合桃、果仁、腰果),約有40%的交叉反應。對腰果敏感患者幾乎是100%對開心果有敏感反應;
²  五穀類,約有4%的小麥敏感病人不能進食燕麥等穀類食物;
²  豆類約有5%的交叉反應。黃豆跟花生有交叉反應。



Hong Kong Allergy Tips: Food Allergy

Reference source:

If you have a Food Allergy, your immune system overreacts to a food. This is caused by an antibody called IgE (Immunoglobulin E), which is found in people with allergies. Food Allergy is more likely to develop in someone who has family members with allergies. Symptoms may occur after you consume even a tiny amount of the food.
Most allergens can cause reactions even after they are cooked or have undergone digestion in the intestines. There are some exceptions. For example, some allergens (usually fruits and vegetables) cause allergic reactions only if eaten in their raw form. Symptoms are usually limited to the mouth and throat.
The most common food allergens are the proteins in cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish and tree nuts.

In some food groups, especially tree nuts and seafood, an allergy to one member of a food family may result in the person being allergic to other members of the same group. This is known as cross-reactivity.
Cross-reactivity is not as common with foods from animal groups. For example, people allergic to cow's milk can usually eat beef, and patients allergic to eggs can usually eat chicken.

With shellfish, crustaceans (shrimp, crab and lobster) are most likely to cause an allergic reaction. Molluscan shellfish (clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, abalone, etc.) can cause allergic reactions, but reactions to these shellfish are less common. Occasionally, people are allergic to both types of shellfish. 

Symptoms of Allergic Reactions to Foods
Symptoms of allergic reactions are generally seen on the skin (hives, itchiness, swelling of the skin). Gastrointestinal symptoms may include vomiting and diarrhea. Respiratory symptoms may accompany skin and gastrointestinal symptoms, but don't usually occur alone.

Severe Allergic Reactions
Anaphylaxis (pronounced an-a-fi-LAK-sis) is a serious allergic reaction that happens very quickly. Without immediate treatment-an injection of epinephrine (adrenalin) and expert care-anaphylaxis can be fatal. Follow-up care by an allergist/immunologist, often referred to as an allergist, is essential.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include difficulty breathing, dizziness or loss of consciousness. If you have any of these symptoms, particularly after eating, seek medical care immediately (call 911). Don't wait to see if your symptoms go away or get better on their own.

An allergist is the best qualified professional to diagnose Food Allergy. Your allergist will take a thorough medical history, followed by a physical examination. You may be asked about contents of the foods, the frequency, seasonality, severity and nature of your symptoms and the amount of time between eating a food and any reaction.

Allergy skin tests may determine which foods, if any, trigger your allergic symptoms. In skin testing, a small amount of extract made from the food is placed on the back or arm. If a raised bump or small hive develops within 20 minutes, it indicates a possible allergy. If it does not develop, the test is negative. It is uncommon for someone with a negative skin test to have an IgE-mediated Food Allergy

In certain cases, such as in patients with severe eczema, an allergy skin test cannot be done. Your doctor may recommend a blood test. False positive results may occur with both skin and blood testing. Food challenges are often required to confirm the diagnosis. Food challenges are done by consuming the food in a medical setting to determine if that food causes a reaction.

Outgrowing Food Allergies
Most children outgrow cow's milk, egg, soy and wheat allergy, even if they have a history of a severe reaction. About 20% of children with peanut allergy will outgrow it. About 9% of children with tree nut allergy will outgrow it. Your allergist can help you learn when your child might outgrow a Food Allergy.

The best way to treat Food Allergy is to avoid the foods that trigger your allergy. Although it has been shown that just smelling peanut butter will not cause a reaction, sometimes food allergens can be airborne, especially in steam, and can cause reactions. Boiling or simmering seafood is a particular offender.

Always ask about ingredients when eating at restaurants or when you are eating foods prepared by family or friends. 

Carefully read food labels. The United States and some other countries require that eight major food allergens are to be listed in common language, for example, "milk" rather than a scientific or technical term, like "casein."
Carry and know how to use injectable epinephrine and antihistamines to treat emergency reactions. Teach family members and other people close to you how to use epinephrine, and wear an ID bracelet that describes your allergy. If a reaction occurs, have someone take you to the emergency room, even if symptoms subside. Afterwards, get follow-up care from an allergist.

Food allergies can be confusing and isolating. For support, contact the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) at (800) 929-4040 or visit

Healthy Tips
  • The most common food allergens are the proteins in cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish and tree nuts.
  • An allergist is the best qualified professional to diagnose a Food Allergy. Testing performed by an allergist often helps determine if foods are causing your symptoms.
  • Some food allergies can be outgrown.
  • The best treatment is to avoid the foods that cause your reaction.
  • Read food labels carefully and ask about ingredients at restaurants or when eating food prepared by another person.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

食物過敏與其他過敏問題(Hong Kong allergy review)






幼兒約 40% 成人約 5



Saturday, January 8, 2011

食物過敏分類 (Hong Kong allergy review)






腹腔疾病(Celiac Disease


Thursday, January 6, 2011

食物過敏 - 不正常的免疫反應

簡單來說,當食物進入身體後引起的不正常免疫反應,便是食物過敏食物過敏可以分成由免疫球蛋白E (IgE)造成的早發性或急性過敏反應,以及因淋巴球細胞產生的晚發性或延遲過敏反應,兩者症狀各有不同前者病人在發病時會有急性過敏反應、口腔過敏綜合症或蕁麻疹水腫等問題,而後者則會誘發嗜酸細胞性食道炎、胃炎、腸胃炎或濕疹亦有罕見的非IgE食物敏感包括結腸炎、腹腔性疾病(Celiac Disease)或疱疹樣皮膚炎(Dermatitis Herpetiformis)等。


