Saturday, April 30, 2011



1.          完全沒有過敏症狀的嬰兒或小童,可怎樣防止過敏症發生?
2.          已經患有某種過敏症如鼻敏感、食物敏感,或濕疹的小童,能否避免產生其他的過敏病?
3.          已經患有過敏症如哮喘的小童,又如何防止他們病發?




參考資料: <<了解過敏症>>





鼻敏感藥(鼻敏感噴劑 / 抗組織胺)






Friday, April 29, 2011

Tips of Traveling with Allergies and Asthma

Reference information:

By car
Common allergens such as mites and molds lurk in carpeting, upholstery and ventilation systems. If you have pollen or mold allergies, and are traveling by car, close your windows and turn on the air conditioning to "do not re-circulate" mode.

Outdoor air pollution can make your symptoms worse. If traveling by car, think about driving during early morning or late evening when the air quality is often better and you can avoid heavy traffic. Don't travel in a car with someone who is smoking. If you use a nebulizer for your asthma, get a portable nebulizer. 

By plane
If you have food or pet allergies, you may benefit by checking airline policies before traveling. Some have "nut free" flights. Some allow pets to travel as passengers, others do not. Make sure to carry two doses of portable, injectable epinephrine, in case you have a severe allergic reaction while in flight.

If you have severe asthma or other respiratory illnesses, your physician may tell you to take supplemental oxygen. No one can be refused travel for needing supplemental oxygen; however, this has to be arranged in advance.

If you have sinusitis or an ear infection, the changes in air pressure in the plane could cause significant pain. If possible, try to delay your travel until your symptoms improve.
The air in planes is very dry. You will feel much more comfortable if you use saline nasal spray once every hour to keep the membranes in your nose moist.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Traveling with Allergies and Asthma

Reference information:,

If you have allergies or asthma, you know that allergens travel with you wherever you go.
Whether you are planning a visit to family or have vacation plans far from home, think about where you are going, what you will be doing and how you will get there. PACK right to stay safe.

Plan ahead. If you are traveling by air, train or boat, you may need to go through security. Keep medications in their original packaging. Carry your medications with you, or a lost suitcase could become a health crisis.

Anticipate problems and hidden allergens. If you have asthma, be sure it is under control before you travel. If you have food allergies, let people at your destination know before you get there. Take precautions and always have your rescue medicines available.

Continue taking your medications on schedule. Your allergies don't take a break just because you are on vacation. In fact, traveling may mean you are exposed to different (and more) triggers than normal. If possible, talk to your allergist/immunologist, often referred to as an allergist, before traveling to decide if any short-term adjustments are needed.

Keep your allergist's phone number and other emergency contact information on-hand. Locate an allergist or medical center in the area you are visiting in case you need an urgent appointment. Call ahead to verify they accept your insurance. 

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Thursday, April 28, 2011





參考資料: <<了解過敏症>>


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

House dust mite

Reference information:

Pollen which appear at unusual times of the annual cycle:

Usually the pollen season starts in spring and ends in late summer / autumn. Some plants however, flower late in the year and release nonetheless considerable amounts of pollen.

Cedars flower in late September / early October and may cause conspicuous yellowish precipitations similar to what we know from pine and spruce in certain years during May.

Ivy pollen becomes airborne in small amounts at about the same time.

different species of the cypress family may flower throughout the year and release some pollen. In the Mediterranean, cypress is sometimes already in December in full flower.

In late autumn one can notice in some years a yellowish dust layer here and there, composed of rust summer spores of Puccinia (black rust or stem rust on wheat).

long - distance pollen transport

During winter time, sand from the Sahara desert is transported by strong winds far north to Europe. We sometimes detect at such occasions very characteristic pollen grains from Ephedra, which flowers in late winter in the Atlas mountains.

In particular in Scandinavia, birch pollen allergic patients must often face surprising hayfever attacks in early spring although no birch is yet flowering far and wide. Long distance transport can deposit lots of birch pollen of southern origin by suitable weather conditions. Ambitious forcast models are under development, combining methods of meteorology, aerobiology and remot satellite sensing.
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pollen which appear at unusual times of the annual cycle

Reference information:

Aerobiological particularities
Usually the pollen season starts in spring and ends in late summer / autumn. Some plants however, flower late in the year and release nonetheless considerable amounts of pollen.

Cedars flower in late September / early October and may cause conspicuous yellowish precipitations similar to what we know from pine and spruce in certain years during May.

Ivy pollen becomes airborne in small amounts at about the same time.

different species of the cypress family may flower throughout the year and release some pollen. In the Mediterranean, cypress is sometimes already in December in full flower.

In late autumn one can notice in some years a yellowish dust layer here and there, composed of rust summer spores of Puccinia (black rust or stem rust on wheat).

long - distance pollen transport

During winter time, sand from the Sahara desert is transported by strong winds far north to Europe. We sometimes detect at such occasions very characteristic pollen grains from Ephedra, which flowers in late winter in the Atlas mountains.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, April 25, 2011



另一方面, 近年有專門針對免疫球蛋白E( IgE)的抗體藥物面世。當過敏患者注射後,抗體便會中和患者體內的IgE,使其無法造成急性過敏反應。此治療可對付不受吸入性類固醇控制的嚴重性哮喘患者,不過在費用方面非常昂貴,而患者亦需要每兩至四星期注射一次。這藥物的療效不像脫敏治療般有持續性,停止治療後效果便會消失。




參考資料: 了解過敏症》

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What is pollen?

Pollen is the male gametophyte of higher plants, necessary for pollination and insemination of the female flower to induce seed production. To some extent, is is comparable to the sperma of animals, although this comparison matches only the functionality.

How is a pollen grain constructed?
The size of a pollen grain (which consists of at least two cells) is usually around 20-30 thousandth millimetres microns). This is about one third of the width of a human hair. Therefore you can hardly see a single pollen grain with the unarmed eye.

On its surface, there are lots of different, very specific proteins. They act as an identification card to exchange information with the female part of the plant. As these proteins are instantly water soluble, they are also able to penetrate the mucous membranes and cause specific reactions from the immuno system.
why is pollen in the air?

Most plant species are insect-pollinated, but a number of plants deliver their pollen to the wind.

Wind pollinated plants need a much higher pollen production to ensure pollination. Preferably these pollen, which become airborne, are the ones which cause allergies. However, not all the pollen types we can find in considerable amounts in the air do cause allergies, as for instance pine or fir pollen, or pollen of the stinging nettle, which are the most abundant airborne pollen in many regions.

The main allergenic pollen are produced by
·  grasses
·  trees of the birch tribe (which are alder, hazel, hornbeam, beech, oak and sweet chestnut
·  wind pollinated composites (mugwort, ragweed)
·  olive tree
·  wall pellitory, and
·  trees of the cypress and related families

Reference information:
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Saturday, April 23, 2011



人體的免疫系統會製造一種名為免疫球蛋白E(或者IgE)的抗體,專門針對致敏原。當免疫系統產生抗體後便會經過血液進入體內各系統,如皮膚、氣管、腸胃 等。這些部位含有肥大細胞,尤以皮下最多,而肥大細胞表面則有IgE認受體,於血液內的IgE結合。當致敏原接觸到肥大細胞表面的IgE抗體時,便觸發肥 大細胞的活躍性。

活躍後的肥大細胞會釋放一些發炎因子(如組織胺、白三稀素等),令病人產生過敏反應,如血管滲水、血管膨脹、痕癢、氣管收窄等等。此反應 可以在短時間如數分鐘至一小時內產生。鼻敏感、哮喘、蕁麻疹、風疹、急性食物過敏、藥物過敏,昆蟲過敏等都是由第一類過敏反應引起。




Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reduce exposure to pollen, allergic to pollen

Followings are the ways to reduce the expusres to pollen:

1.No alcohol

Alcohol widens the blood vessels - also in the mucosa, which becomes thus more permeable and will lead to more intense allergic reactions. Some drugs show similar effect.

2.Wear sunglasses (and a hat)
Sunglassses prevent to some extent your eyes from pollen contact and protect them from sun radiation which irritates the highly sensitive mucous membranes of allergy affected eyes. A hat with wide brim may have an additional effect.

Filter masks make you look like a surgeon or an over-cautious patient, but they are effective    indeed. Pollen filters for cars are meanwhile already standard but must be maintaind (replaced) in order to guarantee good function.
4.    Rinse your nose with salty water
Blood-isotonic salt water rinses do not only clean your nose from dust, but remove the allergenic molecules from the mucosa, as they are all instant water soluble. A suitable solution is 2-3 spoonful of salt resolved in one litre of lukewarm water.

      So, most of the time it is not possible to fully escape the pollen and sometimes the hints presented above are still not good enough. There are some other things that can be done against allergies:
  • There are some useful drugs, but most of them you have to take a certain amount of time before you come in contact with the allergen.
  • Immunotherapy (Hyposensitization) is a technique used for getting rid of very severe allergies.
Reference information:
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to minimize pollen contact ?

Reference information:

There are several things that can be done against pollen allergies. The first and most effective is (as with any allergy) to avoid or minimize the contact with the allergen (in this case pollen). You may think this is impossible, but we have some help for you:
  • Information about where to travel to to get relief. It is certainly a good idea to have a look at these pages before planning your vacation
  • If you can't escape: Here are some hints for how to minimize pollen contact during the season. It's not that difficult.
Stay indoors
In particular on warm, sunny days with moderate wind the pollen loads can reach extremely high value. It is therefore wise to remain indoors with windows closed.

Use the filter effect of the leaves of deciduous forests
Forests are almost perfect filter machines. Once you are inside, the pollen concentration of the air is markedly reduced.
No physical exercises outdoors during the pollen season!
The more air you breathe, the more pollen you inhale with. It may be better to do physical exercises in a gym hall. However, some long distance runners reported a complete disappearance of symptoms after having run some longer distance.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Friday, April 15, 2011



研究方法:    利用以下兩種不同的烹調花生方法餵食老鼠,及觀察老鼠對花生會否產生過敏。






Thursday, April 14, 2011




有部份患者對某些工業原料有過敏反應,如油漆、塑膠工業內的化工原料等,它們含有可引起哮喘的異氰酸甲苯 (Toluene Diisocyanate),當工人長時間吸入這些原料時會引致哮喘。其他職業若需要處理或接觸動物、某些有機產品等亦有可能引發哮喘病。

過半數有哮喘的兒童都屬於過敏性哮喘,而其他引起哮喘的成因是病毒感染。有研究發現,如兩歲以下的兒童染上某種病毒感染,將來有哮喘的機會比起一般兒童高出10100 倍。不過由病毒感染引發的哮喘通常不會持續到成年,大部份兒童在6歲後都有可能不會再發病。

·             呼吸道融合病毒(Respiratory Syncytial Virus簡稱RSV
·             鼻病毒(Rhinovirus

參考資料:  了解過敏症》