Tuesday, August 25, 2015

“無菌”空間 寶寶愈易過敏?

 10年前SARS襲 港,奪去近300人性命,全城立即提高衛生意識。回望今天,不少市民依舊架起「病毒雷達」,在公眾場合遇上有人打噴嚏或咳嗽,會本能地掩着口鼻彈開數丈 遠。很多爸媽更替寶寶築起「全天候保護罩」,消毒搓手液、口罩、濕紙巾像隨身法寶,避免孩子受病毒入侵。

醫學界中有一「衛生假說」(hygiene hypothesis),我們身體內的免疫系統本來要負責防禦病毒或細菌的入侵,可是現世代的孩子成長環境愈來愈清潔,他們沒有太多機會接觸外來的細菌或 病毒,免疫系統發揮不了保衛的作用,反而誤將馮京當馬涼,向外來的沒害物質進攻,引發過敏。




他 解釋免疫系統的功能是對抗外來病毒、細菌,過去衛生環境較差,人體內易長有寄生蟲及細菌,而免疫系統就是要抑制寄生蟲和細菌,不過當衛生環境日漸改善,人 體接觸到外來的細菌、病毒和寄生蟲亦減少,免疫系統就會對一些本來無害的致敏原,如蛋白、花生、塵蟎、花粉、小麥、黃豆、昆蟲、水產海鮮等出現過敏。他舉 例說從前日本很多人患有肺結核傳染病,後來民眾逐漸關注個人及環境衛生,至70、80年代,日本人染病的比率才大幅減少,但與此同時,患有過敏症的人士較 昔日多。

進食吞口水 細菌即落肚
可見極度衛生的環境未必對孩子的健康最有利,有可能誘發各種過敏症。再者,家長亦沒可 能為孩子打造無菌環境。謝鴻興指出,「剛初生的嬰兒一出生時,腸道處於無菌狀態,但只要他一進食,甚至吞一啖口水,已經吃了一些細菌下肚。不過,這些菌不 一定有害,也可以是益菌」。他又指人體身上存在很多細菌,病毒、細菌可說是無處不在。


資料來源: 明報

Monday, August 24, 2015




不過,當Alfred開始進食固體食物,因他已經對牛奶過敏,最好先試每種新食物兩至三日,觀察他的皮膚情況有否轉變。如情況惡化,便須立刻停食此種食 物,然後做測試確定。待一至二年後再次進行測試,觀察他對牛奶過敏是否已經消失,如是便可再嘗試飲奶。較容易引起過敏的食物有花生、雞蛋、其他果仁和貝殼 類等。

參考資料: www.allergy.hk/

Monday, August 17, 2015

5%港童食物敏感 外出用膳小心




叉燒包混奶粉 即打「救命針」




餐廳嫌患者麻煩 受盡白眼



個案趨增 最快5至8分鐘奪命





參考資料: www.hket.com/

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New Rules for Food Allergies (2)

Blood tests that measure immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are very often misinterpreted, experts say. Having IgE antibodies to specific foods doesn't necessarily mean a person will have an allergic reaction when eating the foods. Skin-prick tests are more predictive, but they, too, measure IgE "sensitization," which may not result in an actual reaction. The report estimates that 50% to 90% of presumed allergies are not, in fact, allergies.

Still, many parents whose children have had a bad reaction to one food are anxious to know if they should avoid other foods, too, so they ask doctors to test many foods and avoid them to be safe. "

We get patients referred to us all the time who have been placed on very restrictive diets. They may be off 10 or 20 foods," says Dr. Sampson. "We go through a full evaluation and it turns out they are allergic to only one or two."

It's especially hard to pinpoint a true food allergy in young children with eczema, since they make IgE antibodies to many foods. "If you did 100 food tests, all 100 would be positive. That's what we see from patients coming in from around the country," says David Fleischer, an assistant professor of pediatrics at National Jewish Health in Denver, which specializes in allergy and respiratory diseases.

In a study published online in the Journal of Pediatrics this fall, a review of 125 children evaluated for food allergies and eczema at National Jewish in 2007 and 2008 found that over 90% of the foods they were avoiding were returned to their diets after food challenges.
The guidelines also recommend against using intradermal tests, in which a potential allergen is introduced deep under the skin, and skin-patch tests, a larger version of skin pricks, to diagnose food allergies. And they note that there is little scientific data to support a long list of other tests for allergy assessments, including hair analysis, facial thermography, which detects heat patterns and histamines in the skin, and immunoglobulin G tests, which purport to measure hypersensitivity to 100 or more foods at a time.

Melinda Beck at HealthJourna

Reference information: www.allergy.hk
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, August 10, 2015

New Rules for Food Allergies (1)

Fewer Children May Be Diagnosed as Doctors Told Not to Rely Solely on Standard
Skin and Blood Tests

Parents who have eliminated foods from their children's diets based on allergy tests alone may find that some are safe to eat after all. The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases issued the first clinical guidelines for diagnosing and treating food allergies Monday, saying that blood or skin tests aren't sufficient when making a diagnosis.

An allergy should be suspected if someone has a reaction within minutes or hours of eating a food, according to the guidelines. Physicians should then take a detailed medical history, conduct a physical exam and confirm the allergy with a skin-prick test, in which tiny drops of the suspected allergen are pricked into the skin, usually in the forearm, to see if red wheals form. None of those steps is definitive by itself, the recommendations say, which will likely to lead to fewer diagnoses.

For a correct diagnosis, "it takes a combination, and in some cases an oral food challenge," in which patients are exposed to tiny amounts of the suspect food under close medical supervision, says Hugh A. Sampson, director of the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and one of the authors.

The guidelines, published this week in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, are aimed at resolving wide discrepancies in diagnosing and treating food allergies among allergists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists and emergency physicians, as well as pediatricians and internists. More than 30 professional organizations, federal agencies and patient groups were involved in the report, which was in the works for two years.

The research company Rand Corp. contributed a review of scientific studies.
Roughly 4% of children under age 18—about three million—reported having food allergies in 2007, an 18% increase from 1997, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish are the most common culprits, although more than 170 other foods have been reported to cause allergic reactions. Symptoms can range from eczema and hives to asthma, inflammation of the esophagus, diarrhea, vomiting and life-threatening anaphylaxis, in which major body systems quickly shut down.

The prevalence of food allergies has been difficult to gauge because of different standards in diagnosing and a proliferation of tests being marketed to doctors. Some tests have not been scientifically validated, experts say, and some doctors lack the expertise to interpret those that have been. The report did not state that kids were being misdiagnosed, but it did note that erroneous diagnoses could affect their nutritional well-being and quality of life.
Melinda Beck at HealthJournal

Reference information: www.allergy.hk
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, August 3, 2015


 過敏問題-74% 減少至32%
 濕疹問題-31% 減少至14%
 哮喘問題-37% 減少至13%
 腸胃過敏-20% 減少至5%