Tuesday, February 25, 2014


遺傳基因直接影響過敏反應,尤其是初生嬰兒較為嚴重。眾所周知,初生嬰兒的免疫系統尚未成熟,忍耐反應亦未能加以完善。一般而言,嬰兒 的免疫系統大概經過6個月後才能夠成熟,從某種角度看,可視作已達到成年人的免疫系統功能。可是,近幾年的研究表明,患有過敏症的人士的免疫系統在2至3 年還未達到成熟階段,若此時接觸到抗原便有可能不會產生忍耐反應。

環境因素 - 環境因素對處於成長初期的嬰兒是相當重要的。有研究指出,小孩子在成長的初期所接觸的細菌抗原,會直接影響到他們免疫系統的發育。隨著越來越多的細菌抗原 的接觸,會加速他們的免疫系統趨於成熟,從而增強免疫的忍耐反應。然而,現代社會的衛生環境較為理想,同時父母非常關注小朋友的衛生情況,從而減少了他們 接觸病毒或細菌的機會,這也促使小朋友在成長時的免疫系統沒有受到相應的刺激,容易導致患上過敏症。

致敏原 - 顧名思義,是指容易致敏的抗原。患有過敏症遺傳基因的嬰兒,他們接觸到某些抗原時會特別容易產生過敏反應,如貓毛、塵蟎、花生等。

參考資料:  http://www.allergy.hk

Monday, February 24, 2014

Update on peanut allergy

Food allergy is consistently one of the most anxiety-provoking illnesses for patients or their caregivers, especially if the problem is life-threatening. Eating is something we do several times a day, and the fear that danger lurks within every bite can seriously affect one’s mental well-being. Whereas desensitization treatment has been used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and asthma for many decades, previous attempts to develop vaccines for food allergy have ended in failure. 

In the last two years, several studies of oral peanut desensitization have been published. While the majority of patients could be successfully desensitized, this treatment is limited by the high rate of adverse reactions and the need for close monitoring.

Sublingual desensitization is a new method of administering desensitization treatment for patients suffering from house dust mite and pollen allergies. Recent studies have shown effectiveness for patients suffering from
allergic rhinitis and asthma. The advantages of this form of treatment include convenience and safety.
 A recent study of sublingual desensitization for peanut allergy shows encouraging results. The study was carried out at Duke University in North Carolina and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Eighteen children were given sublingual drops of a peanut allergen extract or placebo at increasing doses. None of the patients suffered severe adverse reactions, with only oral itching as the most significant side effect.
After 12 months of treatment, those who took the extract could tolerate 20 times the amount of peanut given in an oral challenge than those who took placebo. The average amount tolerated was 1700mg, which was equivalent to 6 – 7 peanuts. Presumably, these patients could continue to eat peanuts regularly to maintain their desensitized state thereafter.

We have started to perform sublingual peanut desensitization using the same extract recently and several patients have been successfully desensitized. We are hopeful that this would become a viable alternative for the majority of patients suffering from peanut allergy.

Reference information: www.allergy.hk/
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

港女內地「回春」面腫像豬頭 - DC-CIK療程



參考資料:  http://www.allergy.hk

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Enjoy Your Stay with Allergies and Asthma

Hotel rooms often have a lot of dust mites and molds in carpeting, mattresses and upholstered furniture. Fumes from cleaning products may also cause problems. Ask for a "green" room if available. If you are allergic to dust mites, you may want to bring your own dust-proof, zippered covers.

If you are sensitive to molds, request a sunny, dry room away from areas near indoor pools. Also, if you have allergies to any animals, ask about the hotel's pet policy, and request a room that has been pet-free.
Visiting family and friends in their homes can be risky if you have allergies or asthma. For instance, during the holidays, dust mites on ornaments and decorations, molds on Christmas trees, wet leaves and logs for wood-burning stoves and perfumes from scented candles can all trigger allergy or asthma symptoms.

If you have pet allergies, your trip may be more enjoyable if you avoid staying in the homes of family or friends with pets.

People with food allergies should be careful about eating home-cooked foods that may contain hidden food allergens

Reference information: http://www.allergy.hk
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

昆蟲過敏 - 昆蟲可引發過敏症




黃蜂(yellowjackets, wasps, hornets)屬較兇惡的品種它有別於蜜蜂,並不是群居生活殘餘食物是黃蜂的食糧,因此,垃圾站或垃圾堆附近時常都會看見黃蜂出沒還有,秋夏正值是燒烤的好季節,燒烤地區四周亦會吸引較多的黃蜂到來尋找食物。


參考資料: http://www.allergy.hk

Thursday, February 6, 2014

食物添加劑可致敏 - 藥物過敏


嚴格來說,這些反應並不屬於食物過敏,而是藥物過敏。還有,食物色素亦是較常引起敏感的食物添加劑,特別是食用色素黃色五號(Tartrazine, E107)會引起蕁麻疹(風疹)和哮喘問題。



其他可直接影響神經系統的物質: 咖啡因、酒精

參考資料: www.allergy.hk