Monday, October 3, 2011

Immunotherapy for allergic diseases (II)

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Why do people develop allergies? 

When we are first exposed to a foreign substance, through our skin, our respiratory tract or GI tract, our immune system will strive to recognize this substance.  In most cases, our immune system recognizes that these substances are harmless and ignores them.  This is a process called immunological tolerance.  Not only does the immune system ignore these antigens, it actually develops a response that actively suppresses any reaction to the antigens. 

This active suppression can be passed on from one experimental animal to another by transferring immune cells called T cells.  In allergic individuals, this mechanism somehow failed to work for certain antigens (allergens), and they develop an immune response every time they encounter these antigens.  This immune response leads to allergic symptoms.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult physician before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.



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